Vera Blaženčić Mladenović

Association of American Doctors of Serbian Origin

(RTS.RS) – The United Doctors of Serbian Origin living in America founded the Serbian-American Medical Association back in 2009. Their model of operation is very simple and transparent: people help people. They have no hierarchy, nor any political, religious, or similar agenda. Simply put, they just want to help.

Recently, they helped support the work of the Student Clinic in Belgrade, which was also an opportunity to meet Dr. Vera Blaženčić-Mladenović, a specialist in hygiene and a master’s degree holder in nutrition, who is also the director of this Association for Serbia. She is our guest on tonight’s show.

The oldest Serbian educational society in Slovenia, “Nikola Tesla,” is celebrating its 32nd anniversary this year. Recently, their colleague Nataša Aćimović visited them and brought a very interesting story that you will hear tonight.

As part of the All-Serbian Assembly, among other things, agreements were signed between sports societies and organizations. We will also talk about that tonight.

Editor and host: Ružica Zorkić-Radičević.
