November 10, 2022, the SAMA student group had their 1st Journal Club.
Thank you to Dr. Andre Gvozden for his very interesting and insightful presentation on “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” and to Milena Aksentijevich for a great job moderating the discussion. We also wish to thank all those who attended – we had a great conversation after Dr. Gvozden’s presentation with lots of participation from the attendees!
We look forward to hosting more seminars like these in the future. Please let us know of any suggestions or ideas you might have by contacting us at CONTACT US.
If you wish to be a presenter and host a seminar on a topic of your choice, we would appreciate it if you could please fill up this FORM. We are looking forward to learning more and benefit from your expertise.
Below you can watch the recorder meeting: