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Urgent Care Center Novi Bečej, Serbia

Location: Novi Bečej, Serbia
Project Cost: $7,405.04

Novi Becej is municipality of about 20000 people, spread over very large
area of approx. 600km2. Dr. Branko Svilengacin, a dentist, has recently
assumed the role of the director. He faced some difficulties, because the
account of the HC was under blockade (because of debts, and inadequate
funding) but with help of the municipality administration this issue has
been resolved.

We met with Dr. Svilengacin , director and Dr Mirjana Miljevic, head of the
urgent care department, and Ivana Jovcic, head nurse of the HC.
Unfortunately, Snecana Josimovic, head of the technical department who
initiated this donation by contacting SAMA could not join us. We also
visited local municipality administration and had a brief meeting with the
head of the municipality, Milovan Baštovanov.

The HC is well staffed, including with physicians covering numbers of
specialties including even a radiology; however, procuring any new equipment
is very hard. Therefore this donation was very valuable and the staff is
very pleased with functionality and quality of the defibrillator SAMA has
donated. There are many outstanding needs and we discussed potential for
new projects.
